Being out in the open give you the opportunity to experience the beauty of the nature, and if the human elements are integrated to it, an harmonious result is put in front of you for your enjoyment. Sandra can help you adapt your immediate surrounding to become a source of peace.
The outdoor space below is an example of the integration of sand, palms, fruits and a hammock under a generous shade inviting to relaxing nap.
Etiam hendrerit, velit in suscipit suscipit, lacus sem tincidunt erat, ut egestas mi ante et lacus. Nulla tristique pulvinar ipsum, id luctus ipsum eleifend et. Vestibulum sed diam sapien. Nullam nec mi justo. Ut ligula massa, lacinia eu dapibus ut, commodo sed magna. Donec sit amet ante vitae purus malesuada molestie. Proin augue turpis, bibendum quis dignissim et, laoreet vel ligula. Pellentesque feugiat neque vitae purus iaculis sagittis. Sed vel auctor metus. Nam eget tempor leo. Quisque in ipsum id est luctus blandit ac nec quam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla eget purus sapien, at rutrum lectus. Donec eget nunc at odio iaculis rutrum.